
Tag: sunny dawn johnston

Appreciation & Gratitude

Appreciation & Gratitude What is the difference? This is something I have thought about many times … is there a difference between gratitude and appreciation and, if so, what is it? It has been something that has always stuck with me … this feeling that they are so similar, yet different. As I tuned in

Elevate Your Life
Excuse #2 for Lack of Self-Care

Burnout’s a real thing friend. No one benefits when you put your own needs on the back-burner and drive yourself into the ground from self-imposed martyrdom. In this week’s post, I want to discuss how being a caretaker/caregiver can be severely detrimental to you if you don’t have a healthy grasp on your own personal

Elevate Your Life
Excuse #3 for Lack of Self-Care

With the boom of the internet and social media over the last decade, we as a society have reaped increased connection and incredible interaction with each other. 🙌 While I’m grateful for all the amazing opportunities granted through social media and the internet, I’m not naive to its pitfalls! And one aspect that’s been nurtured

Elevate Your Life
Excuse #4 for Lack of Self-Care

Lack of self-worth is a silent pandemic that we’ve all suffered from on some level. One of the biggest symptoms of this disease is the lack of self-care that follows suit from wrong believing.   Excuse #4 for Lack of Self-Care: I don’t feel worthy When you don’t feel worthy, you wave your white flag

Elevate Your Life
Excuse #5 for Lack of Self-Care

There are times when our sense of purpose becomes so inextricably intertwined with the success of others, that we lose focus on our own path because of the overwhelming emphasis on someone else’s. And being so thoroughly involved in someone else’s life may not bode well for us, especially if this obsession becomes a self-care

Elevate Your Life
Tips to Embrace Mercury Retrograde

Yup, it is that time again! By now, you have probably heard someone say … “Oh, It’s Mercury retrograde”. Mercury Retrograde is about to begin and many people are beginning to “feel” the energy shifts … possibly without even knowing it … as it moves in. Now, I’m not an expert in Mercury Retrograde …

Elevate Your Life
Excuse #1 For Lack of Self-Care

Hey friends! For a few weeks, I’ve been talking about the importance of self-care and self-love. Self-care is defined by the International Self Care Organization as “what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness.” Today, I want to talk about one of the top excuses people

The Writing Nook – The Art of Storytelling

I truly believe that writing can heal our hearts … Even if you never share your writing, the release of the energy and emotion within your body can be truly life saving. So, for those of you that are interested in sharing your story in a bigger way, this blog, The Writing Nook, is for

Spiritual Biz
The Writing Nook – Three Easy Ways to Get Your Writing Published

I truly believe that writing can heal our hearts … Even if you never share your writing, the release of the energy and emotion within your body can be truly life saving. So, for those of you that are interested in sharing your story in a bigger way, this blog, The Writing Nook, is for

Spiritual Biz
The Writing Nook – Finding Connection as a Writer

I truly believe that writing can heal our hearts … Even if you never share your writing, the release of the energy and emotion within your body can be truly life saving. So, for those of you that are interested in sharing your story in a bigger way, this blog, The Writing Nook, is for

Elevate Your Life
The Blame Game – How to Take your Power Back Today!

BLAME Man is this a tough one for some of us. It sure was for me. Blame was my go to. It was my only recourse many times. “It’s not my fault or don’t blame me” were common responses when I was in “trouble” both as a child and even as an adult. I found

Elevate Your Life
Spring Clean your Home's ENERGY

Have you ever considered your home has a personality? It’s a living energy and sometimes your space needs a little self-care. Consider all the different emotions that run through our homes each day! Over the years, I have cleared houses that had everything from a death in the home, an illness, hoarding, bankruptcy, divorce, life

Life is an adventure :)

Happy Summertime!!! It’s been a hot one here in Arizona … 117 degrees the other day when my hubby and I had an adventure on the lake when a monsoon “haboob” hit us. Yes, that is a real word, look it up if it’s new to you … kind of a funny word😊 Anyway, we

Elevate Your Life
Happy Father’s Day… even if it wasn’t always happy

Happy Father’s Day – I woke up this morning with great appreciation in my heart for my husband and the father figure he has been in more than just our children’s lives…  Then I started thinking and feeling about the people who don’t have the best relationships, that don’t feel like celebrating their fathers…  I

Elevate Your Life
Your Body Is a Freaking Miracle: Loving How It Works (Instead of JUST How It Looks)

Your Body Is a Freaking Miracle: Loving How It Works (Instead of JUST How It Looks) You might’ve heard it said that your body is the most amazing thing you will ever own. Your body is a miracle, a wonderland, a brilliant machine. I’m sure you’ve heard all the catchphrases. But let me ask you

New Year, New You? How About A REVIVAL Instead?

New Year, New You? How About A REVIVAL Instead? That time of year is almost here. In a few short weeks, the world will be joining a gym, starting a diet, and setting mind-boggling self-improvement goals. “This year I’m gonna lose 30 pounds and get in shape.” Or maybe something like, “This is the year

It's so much easier to watch Netflix and eat Ice Cream

Last month I opened the doors to my NEWEST LOVE, my membership site and 5 step process called ELEV8 Your Life. What a whirlwind the entire month of August was for my team and I. We had so many amazing experiences as people started watching the videos, learning about how to take their power back

Elevate Your Life
5 Excuses For Lack of Self-Care

Be wary of what keeps you from putting yourself first! Your level of self-care is apparent in the way you carry yourself. From my experience, when you stop treating yourself, making time for yourself, or even liking yourself, you’ve fallen into a trap of self-neglect. But all is not lost! Once you identify the thought

Elevate Your Life
Happy Halloween, Hallows Eve, Samhain or Tuesday!

Today is 10/31! Halloween! It is referred to by many different names such as Hallows Eve and Samhain.  But, today, October 31st is a Holiday for many. Whether it is a time to dress up in costumes and go trick or treating, a time to honor the souls of our deceased loved ones, or a

Spiritual Biz
The Writing Nook – 7 Must-Have Tools for Writers

This is such a GREAT BLOG about tools for writers. Man, I wish I had these 6 years ago when I started my writing career:) I truly believe that writing can heal our hearts … Even if you never share your writing, the release of the energy and emotion within your body can be truly

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