Sunlight Foundation Scholarship Fund
Thank you
for inquiring about the SDJ Scholarship Program offered by Sunny Dawn Johnston.
The Scholarship Program is offered by Sunny Dawn Johnston for people that feel the need to learn and grow spiritually but may not have the extra money to take spiritual classes at this time. With this program, people can still participate and have the experiences in a class setting, but at a discounted rate. We have had so many people ask about it, that Spirit has suggested that we offer a few different options! If you are interested in these, please follow these directions to apply.
For those of you that have attended classes at Sunny Dawn Johnston’s Healing Center, you know that we want to be able to reach everyone. The scholarship program is our way of serving humanity. There are a limited number of scholarships available, so if you are interested in one, it is important that you act fast. If awarded the scholarship, it could cover up to 40% of the cost of the workshop or class.
Sunny created the scholarship program as a way of giving back. Many years ago, Sunny was the one in need, not having enough money to take care of her and her son’s basic needs, and she was blessed to receive help. As an intentional effort to give back, Scholarship recipients have received well over $100,000 in assistance. There are hundreds of people that have then expanded, grown and given back when they could as well, whether through money, time or energy. It is a beautiful gift to give and receive.
To apply for a scholarship, click here to fill out the questions. All that is required is for you to have enough self-esteem to ask for help!
If you are guided to support the Scholarship fund, or have come full circle and are able to now pay it forward to help others in need, Sunny will gratefully accept any size donation in supporting her mission of helping every person that loves themselves enough to ask for help… which is one of the most difficult things to do. The second most difficult … is receiving it.