
Tag: energy

Elevate Your Life
The 4 Types of Love

Love is not seeing experiences, people, and situations as good or bad, but simply as experiences. Happy Valentines Day friends! In the spirit of V-day, I wanted to share a few thoughts on the different types of love! Throughout life we are tested across various forms of love because love comes in all forms, shapes,

Elevate Your Life
1/11/11 – 9 Years ago today

My brother and I had planned a trip to Utah on January 26th, 2011 to see my Grandma for her 95th birthday. She had been ill and I was looking forward to spending some time with her as well as my family. As I was preparing for the trip, however, I had a sense, an

Elevate Your Life
3 Ways to Enrich your Life through Community

Wake up. Work. Netflix. Sleep. Repeat. In today’s age, it is all too easy for us to forget life’s marvels when we’re mired in lifestyles inundated with deadline-driven and busy-obsessed schedules. With filled-to-the-brim schedules and living in a predominantly individualistic culture, we rarely get the chance to articulate our appreciation of life to each other;

Common Questions and Answers about the Afterlife!

Over the years I have been asked thousands of questions about the Afterlife: What happens when you die? How does it happen? What do our loved ones have to say? So, after a while I started writing them down. Then, once I finished writing my book, The Love Never Ends, I put a little book together called Answers-About-the-Afterlife. These are some

5 Tips for Finding Inspiration to Write

5 Tips for Finding Inspiration to Write If you want to become a writer or perhaps you already love to write, but you desire to become a more regimented writer, chances are you may have trouble coming up with fresh ideas from time to time. Below I’ve added 5 Tips for Finding Inspiration to Write

One of My Favorite Healing Techniques-Processes

Have you ever heard of the Write and Burn process? You may have heard of Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” ritual, that invites you to journal stream of consciousness thoughts for ten minutes each morning. It’s a great way to get the funk and the junk out of your subconscious so you are more capable of

Death, Dying and the Soul’s Transition

Nikola Tesla states: “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” We are souls/spirit having a human experience.  We are energy.  We are spirit embodied.  When we die, we drop the body … The spirit, the soul continues and lives on.  Energy can never be

22 Questions and Answers About the Afterlife!

Over the years I have been asked thousands of questions about the Afterlife: What happens when you die? How does it happen? What do our loved ones have to say? So, after awhile I started writing them down. Then, once I finished writing my book, The Love Never Ends, I put a little book together called Answers-About-the-Afterlife. These are some of

Elevate Your Life
Believing is Seeing

Every November, I look forward to speaking at one of my favorite events, Celebrate Your Life. Year after year I have been so very blessed to be a speaker at this amazing conference and connect with people in such deep and humbling ways. It is always amazing and fulfilling. Always. This year, it was a

The Clairs – Your Connection to the Spirit World

The Clairs – Your Connection to the Spirit World When you are learning to tap into your intuition and the Spirit world around you, it is important to understand how the messages will show up. Spirit will send you a message, and your mind and body will begin to experience mental impressions: visions, sounds, feelings,

Elevate Your Life
Is it time to meditate?

I LOVE Meditation, but it wasn’t always that way. I hated it at first. It seemed hard. It was frustrating. Basically, I just didn’t get the point. Mainly because everyone told me a different way to do it… and I couldn’t figure out what the right way was. Once I discovered… there is no “right

Suicide – A Personal Story

Finding Love in the Midst of Tragedy It was a typical Monday evening in January. My husband Brett and I were relaxing on the couch after a busy weekend of speaking events, discussing my foundation’s annual charity event scheduled for the next day. I was particularly excited that my husband’s best friend Jim and his

Elevate Your Life
A mothers heart – An open letter to my first born son!

This little girl had no idea what her life would look like. Who would she become? Would she make a difference in the world? Would she be able to learn unconditional love? What challenges would be on her journey? This little girl, at this tender age, was living for the moment. Joyful, happy, engaging and

Elevate Your Life
5 years ago tonight…. the suicide of a dear friend

Today is the anniversary or one of my dear friends deaths. It is also the Celebration of his Angelversary in Spirit. I am sharing with you the story I wrote about my experience walking this journey through suicide for my book No Mistakes. I hope it reminds you to always ask for help…. and to

7 Steps to Manifesting with Archangel Jophiel

Each of us goes through periods of time where our spiritual growth accelerates at a level that can be hard to keep up with. We ask for it, pray for it even; and then when it comes, we are often challenged to know what to do, where to go, and really… just how do we

Communicating with miscarried/stillborn/aborted babies Babies CAN Communicate in SpiritMany people believe that when they lose someone that is very young that they will have a hard time communicating with them. That couldn’t be, from my perspective, further from the truth. There is no age, only vibration in the spirit world, therefore, spirits… of any physical age, can communicate

How to Connect with The Archangels

How Do I Connect with the Archangels? The angelic realm’s mission is to protect, nurture, and guide humanity. Races, cultures, and religions may have diverse and conflicting doctrines, but they all have one thing in common—a belief in Angels. In fact, 85 percent of all religions reference Angels in some form or another. Angelic beings

Elevate Your Life
I was slipped a date rape drug

“I can’t see?? Where am I?” I asked. My eyes felt like they weighed 10 pounds each and I could not get them open. My head… OMG my head hurt like hell. “What happened? Where am I?” I repeated. I tried to open my eyes, but couldn’t. Everything hurt. The light was so bright and

Elevate Your Life
Are your Relationships Here for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime?

How do you know when it is time to end a friendship, a relationship, even a family relationship? Man, do I get this question a lot? How do I know WHEN? Well, first … there is no RIGHT answer … Secondly, I can’t answer that for you, not specifically. Yet, I can share with you

The Vibrational Levels of the Spirit World

The Vibrational Levels of the Spirit World Last week, I was on the hilariously funny Jenny McCarthy Radio show. It was a blast. Something she asked me, that I get asked a lot is, what is the difference between an Angel and a Spirit Guide? Because that is such a popular question, I thought I

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