How to Connect with The Archangels

How Do I Connect with the Archangels?

The angelic realm’s mission is to protect, nurture, and guide humanity. Races, cultures, and religions may have diverse and conflicting doctrines, but they all have one thing in common—a belief in Angels. In fact, 85 percent of all religions reference Angels in some form or another.
Angelic beings team up to assist us in connecting the physical world to the spiritual world. Angels offer uncondi­tional love, which is the essence of all that is. Open yourself up to the possibility that Angels exist and invite them to help you with self-love, well-being, abundance, love, pros­perity, peace, and joy. By asking, you allow them to assist on your behalf. Angels always honor free will and act only once invited, so remember to ask.

A Four-Step Process

There is a simple four-step process that will assist you in connecting with the Archangels.

  1. Ask—Begin by asking for assistance: For the angels to help in any area of your life, you must first “ask” for their assistance. There is no right or wrong way to do this. A simple intention works just as well as a verbal expression or a telepathic conversation. Simply saying, “Angels, please help me,” is enough. Asking in a way that feels appropriate to you will ensure that the Angels will answer your call and stand by your side. The important step is to rec­ognize that you are in need of support, guidance, direction, encouragement, etc., and be willing to ask for it.
  1. Allow—Release the need to control the situa­tion and be open to receive: Allowing is as easy as “getting out of your own way.” When you release the need to control situations, people, and emo­tions, and just allow the flow and the laws of the Universe to work on your behalf, then you open up room for all of the good to come into your life. Allowing frees up your energy to do the things that make you happy and to receive the abundance that is innately yours. Your Angels always see your life from the perspective of allowing. They support that vision “for you” and “within you” until you are able to feel it for yourself. The sooner you learn to let go of resistance and start affirming what you desire, the sooner you will come into alignment with what you are asking for. Once the asking and allowing are in alignment with one another, then you are well on your way to believing.
  1. Believe—Trust that the Angels will guide you in perfect divine time: Trust can be one of the most difficult attitudes to adopt, especially when you do not have any evidence that you will receive what you desire. Trusting typically requires you to be vulnerable with others and, in this case, with the Angels. I made a decision a long time ago when I started working with the angelic realm, and that decision was to give up “suspicions.” I made a con­scious choice to be optimistic rather than pessimis­tic, and that choice proved to be instrumental in my working relationship with my Archangels. So it is your choice to trust that you are being guided in the perfect divine time. If you are feeling a desire from your heart, trust that the Angels will guide you in the perfect way for your highest good.
  1. Receive—Listen to your intuitive guidance and give thanks: You’ve asked, allowed, and believed. The last step is to now receive. Your Archangels and guides will send you many messages. It could be a song on the radio, the flicker of a light, a sign on a bus, the letters on a license plate. Messages come in many ways and many forms, and I ask that you be open to receiving them in ways that may be new or different to you. As the messages and signs appear, you will find that they will validate that you are on the right path. And, finally, remember to give thanks for the abundance, joy, happiness, and love that are presently in your life. Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle happens. Stay open to receive all that is yours.

Excerpt from Invoking the Archangels – a Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul by Sunny Dawn Johnston or


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