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6 Month Personal Mentoring

Are YOU Serious About Moving Forward in YOUR LIFE?

I was guided to create a six-month Private Mentoring Program: The Three R’s: Re-Awaken, Re-Affirm, Re-Energize. I have been offering this program for several years now and am ready to accept 2 new people that are serious about moving forward in their lives through spiritual practice, whether that is personally (within yourself) or professionally (within business) and, hopefully, both.

I do not have a specific description for this program, as it will be created as we go, by following Spirit’s guidance. So you will have to trust us (Spirit and I) to work together to mentor you!

As we communicate and collaborate together, I will offer you the following:

This 6-month mentoring relationship includes:

Submit Application

Monetary Commitment: $8000 is your monetary investment for this 6 month relationship. A non-refundable deposit of $2000 must be submitted upon being accepted into this Mentorship Relationship. The additional $6000 can be paid in either of two methods: Four (4) monthly installments of $1500 or receive a $300 discount by paying the balance in full. Please note a 3% service fee will be added for credit card charges. Monthly payments can be set up if needed as well. Also note that any and all payments, in full or partial, are non-refundable.

The Deets

Kick it in to gear: An in-person, one-on-one, full day retreat with ME

This transformational mentoring program includes a one-on-one personal retreat … customized to fit YOU and YOUR needs! This retreat only requires a deep desire to find and follow your own inner wisdom through Spirit’s guidance and direct experiences with me. Your retreat will be based on your own personal wants/needs, and the divine guidance I receive throughout our time together. We can focus on personal growth, spirituality, business – or all three. It is YOUR time! My promise to you is that I will stay focused on you and your needs throughout our time together, using my intuitive gifts – and of course Spirit – to discern the perfect direction for you. This is YOUR time, and it will be all about YOU! We will do whatever is necessary to move you up that vibrational scale by diving into the areas in your life that hold you back or keep you stuck and not allowing of all of the fantastic goodness the Universe has to offer you. I will be at your service this day, ready to dive in with you, and guide you out of any fears that are limiting the fabulous vision you have for your life. I am your own personal cheerleader. I will hold your hand the entire time as we move from place to place … with Spirit’s support! Your personal retreat can include either a full day online … or in person with two night’s lodging, a fabulous meal and one full day with me (*airfare not included*)

Here are the details of your personal one-on-one retreat with me:

In addition, you will have the opportunity to partake in one (1) supplementary service such as Reiki or massage to be included in your personal retreat time. You may also choose additional services or a visitation to sacred space in Sedona, Arizona for an additional fee, which would be based on availability.

Monthly Personal Check-in Sessions

Two personal one-on-one sessions each month during our Mentorship, consisting of 1-hour Phone/Zoom calls (11 total sessions).

At the beginning of each month we will choose an area of life to explore more deeply, and identify action steps to clarify your vision and raise your vibration to develop that intention into physical manifestation. Then we will chat later that month to check-in, work through any new awareness that has surfaced and keep that energy focused on expanding your spiritual and emotional growth and support for your physical manifestations. You will have a 6-month accountability partner and cheerleader.

Private Email Contact for mentorship clients only

You will have personal email access to me through my private email box for mentorship clients only. I will be here to witness you, give you encouragement, and provide insights.

During our 6 months together, you will:

As with all of Sunny’s classes, this class schedule is a suggestion and is subject to change based on the energy of the students enrolled and, of course, Divine Guidance.

General FAQs

What makes me qualified to mentor you?

It’s a great question, and one you should ask yourself. As you ask, listen to your heart, mind and soul. I believe you will know if this mentoring relationship is right for you from the stirring within your soul. If it’s right, it will speak to you.

I have walked the journey from self-hatred to self-worth. I know how it feels to not feel deserving: of love, happiness, freedom, money, good health … you name it! I have sat in the depths of my pain, manifesting disease, poverty, addiction and dependency. Nearly dying didn’t even scare me out of my pain. I have struggled to care for myself in a world that taught me to care for others first.


I have found my way out. Through dedication, unconditional love of myself, divine guidance, and spiritual connection, I have walked away from self-hatred into the arms of self-love. I have closed the door on the pain that would literally eat me away, little by little. I have found the LOVE within, the truth of who I am, and I can see it … everyday! I can also see it within YOU! It takes one to know one, they say. I have been there, done that … and know what it takes to create a new experience. I have walked the path and found the rainbow, and I know you can too!

Today, I have …

  • A joyful marriage of 30+ years – Commitment, communication and hard work are all a part of a healthy successful marriage. We have loved and lost and loved again … together.
  • Two intelligent kids, creating their own lives – I have experienced the teachings of my children. I am the student, and they are the teacher in many cases. I have learned to honor their dreams and be a witness to their journey. I know what it is like to raise “special” kids.
  • Three spirited grandchildren, who bring joy, laughter and constant expansion to my life.
  • A non-traditional family – Acceptance and tolerance of family members and their own journeys has taught me so much in the past 10 years. Finding within myself the trust that their Spirit is walking their own divine journey has been a true gift through the hard times.
  • Great health – Positive intentional living, affirmations, maintaining my own energy, honoring my body, and listening to its natural guidance has kept me healthy – once I learned to actually listen. Listening helps me see when things are out-of-alignment and how to get them back in.
  • Fabulous Friendships – Support, unconditional love, and acceptance are all aspects of friendship in my life. We may not see each other as often as we would like, but the love we have melts time in a heartbeat when we are together.
  • Spiritual Connection – My angels, guides and loved ones are as much a part of my life as the physical beings. I begin and end each day with gratitude for them and all I have yet to learn. I believe my spiritual practice is the foundation of everything in my life; and in honoring Spirit first, I recognize and rely on that guidance system as I stay in present moment.
  • Always growing and expanding – With all that is fabulous in my life, there are always areas of growth and expansion. It is one of the great things to experience in this physical world. Once one thing is complete, there is always something else … to learn, heal, grow into, shift, etc. I am no exception to this rule.

I have built, from the ground up, a highly successful spiritual-based business. I started with no plan, no money, no location and no mission statement. Not the typical successful business startup. I quit school at the age of 15, and had no business training, with the exception of watching my dad succeed and fail in business several times … which is where I learned resiliency… and how greed can ruin success.

  • Created Be the Change Radio Station
  • Started a weekday podcast at the beginning of the pandemic
  • Created three successful membership communities: ELEV8 Your Life, Spirit Speaks, My Spiritual Biz, Intuition 365
  • Starred in “A Séance with…” a national television special on the Lifetime Movie Network
  • Spoken to BIG audiences all over the country and shared the stage with some of the leading teachers in the spiritual and self-help field
  • Became a weekly columnist for Woman’s World Magazine
  • Been a guest on over 200 radio shows and tele-summits
  • Traveled the world teaching, speaking, empowering and healing hearts
  • Written articles for major publications
  • Produced thousands of workshops, classes and sold-out events
  • Been interviewed by FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as several television shows
  • Created Sunlight Alliance Foundation, a non-profit organization, helping to provide support to hundreds of families during life’s challenges
  • Been offered, and accepted, six publishing contracts with three different publishers, all of them becoming Amazon Best-Sellers
  • Attracted an amazing team that supports my work and me
  • Partnered with Daily Om with products and online courses
  • Created, booked, and completed an 11-month Living Room Book Tour
  • Self-published sixteen books
  • Built a Healing Center from the ground up
  • Created 6 online courses
  • Filmed a pilot and sizzle reel for a television show for Find Me
  • Joined the faculty of Omega Institute in New York and Infinity Foundation in Chicago
  • Created over 30 products and 3 new product lines: SDJewelry, SDJ Essentials and Conscious Teez
  • Held 25+ spiritual healing retreats in various locations across the US
  • Serve on the Board of Find Me 501(c)3
  • Taught hundreds of thousands of people
  • Created the “What Would Love Say?” (WWLS?) Movement
  • Created the Detox Your Life – 44-day Mind, Body, Spirit program with over 2,000 participants
  • Expanded and doubled my business and then doubled again and again
  • And much, much more … to come!!!

I share these lists to give you an idea of many of the things I have accomplished in my life in recent years. Of course, this is just a portion, but the idea of sharing is to ignite in you the awareness: it can be created. YOU too, can do this … any of it. I imagine many of these are on your manifestation board or in your heart as well What I know for sure is – with guidance, support and dedication – you can create any and all of the above … and MORE!!!!

More Questions ... More Answers

What is spiritual mentoring?

Spiritual mentoring is sharing – from one person to the next – their love and the life skills, knowledge and experiences needed to prepare them to be fully dedicated to themselves and their dreams in every area of their lives. Mentoring is a relationship, it is not a program. Although the process may involve some logical teaching and study, the teaching happens organically, and the learning occurs naturally in response to real life experiences.

What does a mentor do?

As your mentor, I will provide feedback. I will help you build self-confidence through encouragement and support. I can be a great cheerleader. I will support and encourage your own spiritual connection and share ideas for developing it even deeper. I will help you discern your own answers to spiritual, personal or business questions. I will share my life experiences with full transparency and vulnerability to offer you opportunities to learn through my experience and possibly skip some of those really hard lessons. I will support your Spirit, in any and all ways possible.

Monetary Commitment:

$8000 is your monetary investment for this 6 month relationship. A non-refundable deposit of $2000 must be submitted upon being accepted into this Mentorship Relationship. The additional $6000 can be paid in either of two methods: Four (4) monthly installments of $1500 or receive a $300 discount by paying the balance in full. Please note a 3% service fee will be added for credit card charges.

Energy Commitment:

You must commit to tapping in and turning on the Energy of YOU. You must honor and prioritize and laser-focus onto YOUR vision, and YOUR Spirit and YOUR emotional growth. You GIVE yourself permission to build this Relationship with the Three R’s: to Re-Awaken, Re-Affirm and Re-Energize YOU! Make this transformation a priority and hold that intention consistently for these 6 months with me – and watch the movement that happens in all aspects of your life – much of it occurring outside of our actual session time together. Even apart from our interaction time, I will be holding that vision of the YOU that is Re-Awakening. I will hold that space energetically for the entire 6 months to Re-Affirm for YOU the guidance of your Spirit. I will be supporting you even when we are not personally working together to Re-Energize the growth potential that is opening up in these new opportunities. In all these ways, I am committing my energy in ongoing support of you. It is for this reason that I only take on a very small number of Mentoring Relationships in any 6 month period … so what I need from you in return, is that same energy commitment to RECEIVE and allow those opportunities for the shifting to occur.

Time Commitment:

6 months – of accountability, connection and the sacredness of our shared time and space together. My time with you is devoted to YOU only. Your time with me is devoted to showing up FOR you only, to do what you say you will do and follow-through with your actions, even as we break through old resistance and blocks together.

YOUR SPIRIT is Ready to Re-Awaken, Re-Affirm and Re-Energize!

As I walked this journey for myself so many years ago … that one wish I had was for someone to share those uncertain moments with along the way … someone who knew a thing or two about the path I was undertaking. That understanding and those experiences all come together now to guide me in this Mentoring Relationship that I offer today to YOU. It has come full circle to give me the tools and awareness and the gifts to offer you lots of love and support along YOUR journey. Throughout our Mentorship time together, we will collaborate with Spirit to recognize, reinforce and rejuvenate the True You. I’ve seen the Power of Love work magic in so many ways throughout the years. All it takes is the first steps of intention and commitment to YOURSELF – and with that, the shifts will be intense, but oh so rewarding, as the Transformation to the True You begins!

When Sunny says she believes in you and is proud of you, she means it. For many of us, that belief and Spiritual connection is very important. How do you know? Sunny gets to know you, not your issues or hang ups, but who you are as a person – your soul."
Personal mentoring with Sunny Dawn Johnston is life changing. Her ability to create and hold space, is an experience in itself! Sunny is a loving and gentle soul, gifted in meeting you wherever you are along ‘the journey."
If you are considering working with Sunny in this way, I encourage you to go for it! YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND FREE…and Sunny can show you how. Consistency, accountability and willingness to show up for yourself are a must, but I promise you: with Sunny by your side, you’ll have all the guidance and support you need to shine.”
I’m not sure of the words to use to express what I experienced in this incredible program. It is life changing. I use the tools Sunny provided every day. I share them with anyone I feel guided to, almost daily. I am grateful every day that I chose to participate fully in this program. "
Sunny’s mentoring program has been invaluable. With Sunny’s tools and guidance I have made significant transformations in mind, body and spirit. During Sunny’s mentoring program I launched my spirit based business, taught my first class and developed several new products. "
I now have a deeper spiritual understanding of significant childhood experiences, an unconditional love for myself, and a clearer direction personally and professionally. Sunny’s unwavering support, gentle encouragement, and persistence in holding me accountable to myself were exactly what I needed to make significant life changes."
I was just reflecting on our conversation yesterday and feeling so much gratitude for your presence in my life. We touched on some really deep topics yesterday that I feel are related to root issues I’ve had my whole life. It feels so good to bring my awareness to them and start to understand the “why” of why I have been who I have been. But the best part is that it’s not just the recognition, it’s the fact that I am learning how to change those things. For so long I felt powerless to change them because I couldn’t see the root. I just dealt with the symptoms over and over.

I also really appreciate the freedom I have with you to admit the things that I judge myself for, without worrying that you are judging me. I felt completely free (although I still felt my own judgement) to admit that I struggled with the massage therapist’s appearance, because I knew you weren’t seeking to judge me, but to find the truth in the situation. Our talks feel like such a safe space for me, and I don’t think I have ever had that to this level. So, thank you!!! I truly appreciate you."
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