1/11/11 – 9 Years ago today

The last time I saw Grandma – snuggled up in bed with her.

My brother and I had planned a trip to Utah on January 26th, 2011 to see my Grandma for her 95th birthday. She had been ill and I was looking forward to spending some time with her as well as my family. As I was preparing for the trip, however, I had a sense, an intuitive nudge, that she might be getting ready to leave her body and was just waiting for our visit. I knew she really wanted to see us both and my Spirit said she was willing to wait a bit longer just for us. Thoughts of my Grandfather and their marriage of nearly 60 years came to mind. He left his physical body 19 years ago, and since that day, Grandma has patiently waited for him to come and receive her, as she would say. The past five years have been difficult for Grandma as she missed him terribly and she would continually pray to be home with him once again. So, when that intuitive nudge came, I felt the need to tell her Spirit, “You do not need to wait any longer. You have waited long enough!!” I assured her Spirit that I would be okay and it was okay if she went before I got there. I told her that if THE day came and she saw the white light and Grandpa was standing there to greet her, to go with him and to be FREE of her physical body. That day came on Tuesday, January 11, 2011.

Over the next couple of days after her passing, I waited for her to come and visit me. As a psychic medium, I experience the spirit world on a daily basis yet I found myself feeling impatient as I hadn’t had a visit from my Grandma yet. I was hoping for a sign, a message, or a chance to sit down and chat with her now that she was of the spirit world. Although I missed her physical presence, I was very much at peace and eager to talk with her about her new adventures. I couldn’t wait to find out how her trip was. So I waited and waited and waited. I finally acknowledge to myself, that when she was ready to communicate with me, she would.
So, I went back to my normal routine and my work. On Saturday, January 15, 2011, I felt strongly guided to go shopping. Now this suggestion in and of itself is not odd. But many of you who know me, know that I DON’T like to shop. I was getting ready to watch the football playoff game and had no intention of missing it. However, the urge persisted. It was so strong, I had to listen. So I got dressed, got in the car and started driving. I was unsure of my destination, however, I heard a voice in my head say “You are going to see someone you know today.” It is not uncommon for me to often cross paths with people I know when I go out. So, I noted that and decided to take back some Christmas returns that I had in the back seat of the car. Perhaps Spirit was guiding me to clear my space! As I continued driving, I felt a pull in a different direction. I was being guided to a store that I had only been to once. I listened and went to the store. As I was parking though, I certainly did wonder why I was at this store since I had no need to go here .

gardenAs I entered the store, immediately to my left was a sign that read:
Grandma loved Gardening!
My Grandma LOVED flowers and had them planted everywhere in her yard. It was one of her favorite hobbies and she continued to plant and landscape her yard until she was in her late 80’s. Seeing this filled my heart, but I would not be truthful if I did not share some sadness I felt about the description in her obituary. I had hoped that they would put something in there about her love of flowers and gardening. She must have been aware of my sadness as she sent this sign to me to assure me that she knew.
As I continued to walk around the store, I looked at the other items. I suddenly felt as if someone was grabbing my shoulders and guiding me to turn around. granddaughterAs I turned around, I saw this sign: I still believe in miracles. I smile everyday because of you. Granddaughter the world is full of wonders. I feel in love all over again. Because of you, my life is fulfilled.

Grandma had oodles and oodles of grandkids and great grand children. However, I had a very special relationship with her and she wanted me to know how very special it was. As tears dropped from my eyes, I thought … I better write down what this sign says. I was in awe. Then my humor came right back and said…duh…why don’t you just take a picture of it with your cell phone. So I did.
So many emotions were flowing through me as I continued to walk around the store. Peace, happiness, sadness, love, joy. I was allowing them to be, and as I did this, I looked for a space to quietly sit. As I spotted one and started walking towards it, I saw my third and final sign from Grandma:milk and cookies
It reads: Grandma and Grandpa’s
Milk, Cookies and Stories – anytime.
Hugs, Kisses and Love – all the time.
This was perfect validation for me that my grandparents were back together once again. I knew Grandpa would come and receive her and my heart was filled with love as she had waited over 19 years to be back in his arms. I flashed back to a conversation I had earlier with my husband and I was telling him, “it might take her a few days to come and visit me because I bet she is getting frisky with Grandpa.” I smiled.

I am overflowing with gratitude for my Grandma’s willingness to share with me “the signs.” I am looking forward to our new working relationship and the perspective she can offer me from the Spirit world. Who knows what we both may come up with. It will be fun!!
I hope this experience of mine helps validate for you that the Spirit world and our deceased loved ones are able and excited to continue being a part of our lives. You just have to be present and open to how they guide the communications. Even when things don’t always make sense, I encourage you to be open. It really is just that simple … be open.

I love you Grandma. – Sunny

I’d love to hear your comments. Please share below – SDJ

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