I am offering a Weekly Oracle Card Reading every week to reflect and focus on as you align your energy for a brand new week. The oracle card is from my Multi-Dimensional Oracle Card decks, which features Symbols, Animals, Numbers and Ascended Masters to support you in your week ahead.
There is a vast amount of life to discover beyond this 3D world. My vision is that this weekly oracle card reading will help you to discover, connect, and rise to meet the guidance and support that the higher dimensions are waiting to share with you. Oracle cards support your emotional, mental, and spiritual health by attuning you to a greater sense of inner knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. All you have to do is listen 🙂
Create Peace, Love & Light ~
PS: I’d love to hear how this card resonated with you this week … leave me a comment below and let me know 😉
Weekly Oracle Card Reading – December 1, 2024

Yin Yang – Duality, Harmony, Extremes
YIN YANG shows us how seeming opposites may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent. It reminds you to be aware of DUALITY and its extremes, and how they can easily get the emotional pendulum swinging wildly. Sometimes it can feel out of control. When you feel that way, you can bring them back into HARMONY by honoring both sides and recognizing the value of all experiences and perspectives. Is it possible that one is needed for the other? EXTREMES are everywhere, from your personal life to your professional life, in your government, and in your world. It is important to remember to tune into the harmony, the middle ground, and let it show you the truth of the experience. If you often find yourself in the energy of extremes – via language, emotion, mood, money, or health – ask your Spirit Guides to help you uncover the source and help you to bring the energy into balance.
This Symbol’s message: “Become aware of the extremes in your life. They are helping you discover how to create harmony.”
If you would like to check out more card decks, visit my SDJ Boutique.