We are in a time of unprecedented change. At times you are likely feeling scared and unsure of what the future will look like. That is totally understandable. Many of you are finding your footing in this new normal … You might realize, at a time like this, we often ask ourselves this question: “How can I help?” or “How can I serve humanity?”
These were the exact questions I asked myself in the beginning stages of learning more about the coronavirus. The suggestion of social distancing had just started. I knew then that we were all being called to come together and do more to support each other. I knew many, as in my case, just needed to DO something … to direct our powerful energy towards good.
It was from that place that the inspiration for Hearts Helping Humanity was born.
Hearts Helping Humanity is a Facebook group that was created with the intention of bringing people together that are in need.
We are a community where people can express their love of each other in a number of ways. You can help others by being one or more of the following:
#Receiver – A receiver is someone that is in need of help at this time. They need items brought to them to maintain their and their family’s basic health and well-being.
#Giver – A giver volunteers to bring or order needed items to/for someone in need while respecting privacy and social distancing.
#Donator – A Donator donates money to the Sunlight Alliance Foundation, my Sunny Dawn Johnston 501c(3) to support more Givers in the world. This money will go directly to the community members as needed. Donate here: https://heartshelpinghumanity.com/
#IAMaLighthouse – A Lighthouse shines their love and light each and every day by watching for the needs of others, and spreading the light via meditation, prayer and visualization … always with the intention of holding humanity in the light with the highest and greatest good for all.
Know that we are all in this together … we are here to help! Hearts Helping Humanity!!!
WE NEED YOU ALL <3 Receivers, Givers, Donators and Lighthouses. We also need some volunteers to be Admins on the page – email me at sunny@sunnydawnjohnston.com if you would like to help out with those in need.
And just as importantly, please spread the word … share, share, share … and let’s help our fellow human beings, one heart at a time <3
Our intention is to help everyone and anyone that needs help.
It is my hope that you will share this group with everyone you know so that we can truly BE THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE IN THIS WORLD!
I LOVE and HONOR each and every one of you. Thank you for your help and support … and for those of you struggling with the fear, please know … This too shall pass.
Love & Light,
Sunny Dawn Johnston (SDJ) and my fabulous team – Robin Harned, Deb McGowan & Kris Voelker and the many volunteers that are helping us with this new community