Archangel Raphael

The healing power of Archangel Raphael is life-changing and life-saving, or at least it can be, if you allow it. When you begin to develop a consistent relationship with Raphael, you allow the healing energy to move through you in all areas of your life. With this increased healing energy, miracles can and do happen. I’ve experienced it myself, many times.

Here’s more info on Archangel Raphael

Pronounced RAH-fee-uhl, it means “God heals” or “God has healed.” Raphael is the Archangel of healing. Raphael heals physical bodies as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Helps with:  Eliminating or reducing addictions and cravings, healing on all levels, guidance and support for healers, physical and spiritual eyesight, clairvoyance, and finding lost pets.

Color Vibration: Green

Gemstone:  Jade or Aventurine

Invocation: I ask Archangel Raphael to surround me in his healing vibration of emerald green light. I am in need of healing at this time, and I ask that you infuse me with your healing energy.  Please surround me and fill me with health, well-being, and wholeness. Help me to heal any wounds – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – from the past or present. Heal and restore every aspect of my being for the highest good of all … and so it is!

As I invoke Archangel Raphael’s energy, I see the emerald green energy completely surround my body. I feel this energy moving within me and I affirm that I am healthy and whole, and that well-being is my divine birthright.

Personal Experience: The loving healing energy of Archangel Raphael saved my life. YES, I said saved my life. Raphael stood beside me as my most challenging physical healing occurred 21 years ago. This physical healing began with my pregnancy at the age of eighteen.

I had not planned to have a baby, not ever. Thoughts of an abortion crossed my mind, and I was even encouraged to do so, but when faced with the decision, I could not do it. On some level, I knew I was meant to have this baby even though on the exterior I felt it was not right.

So, at age eighteen, I found myself pregnant and in a relationship with someone who drank daily, and as you might expect, this posed many challenges. The energy that was present in our relationship was also fueled by lack: lack of money, lack of self-esteem and lack of self-worth. This kind of energy is very heavy and because I was not protecting my energy, I suffered. On an energetic level, I was getting weaker and weaker, and the heaviness began to take a toll on me physically, mentally and emotionally.

During the fourth month of my pregnancy I developed severe toxemia, which eventually led to eclampsia: pregnancy-induced high blood pressure. The doctors prescribed strong medication for the high blood pressure and recommended complete bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. And when I say complete bed rest, I mean complete bed rest. The only time I could get out of bed was to use the restroom or to go to my doctor’s appointment, which were every other day. My child and I were at severe risk for seizures, liver and kidney damage and the doctors felt bed rest would help minimize those complications. Bed rest did not sit with me very well as I am an Aries and like to go, go, go. However, something inside me knew. I could hear this whisper of a voice within me, offering to help … but I refused to allow it.

I didn’t believe I deserved help. I made a big mistake, and this was my punishment. All my critical thinking could say was “Sunny, you have been a very bad girl, and because of it, you now have six months to lie in this bed and think about it. You have all morning, afternoon and evening to think about what you might have done differently.”

I felt guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated, stupid, and many other negative vibrations. It was these feelings that created the toxicity in my mind that eventually manifested in my body. Today, I am very aware of how my thoughts create, but back then, all I could recognize was that I felt scared.

For the next six months these toxic feelings continued. I alternated between feelings of depression, rage, frustration, and boredom. I cried during the times I had the courage to acknowledge the situation I was in. Thoughts of “how did I end up here” and “why me” frequently attacked my mind. My thoughts were just as toxic as my body, and I continued to exist in this environment for an additional two weeks past my due date. Finally, the doctors induced labor and during my twenty-sixth hour of labor, I had a stroke. Time was of the essence, so the doctors performed an emergency C-section and several minutes later my son was born. I was not able to see him take his first breath as I was unconscious, but the minute I awoke, I felt pure joy as the nurse placed this beautiful baby boy in my arms. We had both made it through the hard part … at least that is what I thought.

Three days after my son’s birth, I developed a mild grade fever. I was feeling out-of-sorts and not recovering the way I should be. Within hours, the mild grade fever turned into a high-grade fever of 106. I broke out in hives all over my upper body and the doctors discovered that I was oozing infection from my incision. They were uncertain of the source of infection, so they decided to go back in surgically to see if a sponge or instrument was left inside; however, they found nothing. They had no explanation for the infection that ran rampant in my body. I was in severe physical pain as well as emotional pain. I had seen my son for only a brief amount of time, and he was now at home and being cared for by my parents. I could not see him because the doctors feared I was contagious. I felt very alone … yet I still did not listen to that whisper of a voice within. I knew I could ask my angels for help and healing, and because of past experiences, I did believe they could help me. But I did not feel deserving, and that lack of “deservability” kept me from asking. So, I continued on in pain and in resistance of the spiritual guidance that was inside of me. Much of the time that I was in the hospital, I was detached from my physical body. It was such a painful place to be and the only way I found relief was to check out. I remember floating above my body and watching the nurses scrub the infection that had taken over my lower torso and upper thighs. Not many friends or family came to visit, and I was not allowed to see my son. I was so lonely and afraid, and I didn’t want to die. How could I get through this all by myself?

The doctors continued to search for answers to the mysterious infection. They pumped me full of double and triple doses of antibiotics and performed an additional surgery to see if the source could be viewed from inside. Nothing! The 106-degree fever persisted, and I was getting weaker and weaker. The doctors finally admitted that they could do nothing to help me and asked me to sign the rights away to my son. They did not know how much longer I would live. Upon hearing those words, I felt stunned and shocked. My mind began racing. All I did was have a baby. I was young and healthy and all I did was have a baby. How could my life be ending? I couldn’t believe it. I refused to believe it.

NOW it was time, and I began to ask for help as I turned to that whisper of a voice within. On the eve of Mother’s Day, I heard that voice within say “I am Archangel Raphael and I want you to call everyone you know and ask them to pray for you. Ask them to pray in whatever form of religion or belief system they have.” So, I called everyone I knew and asked them to pray for me. I had decided that I wanted to live, and I wanted to see my child again. I spent many hours on the telephone asking and trusting that each person I talked with would be there for me, supporting and holding the vision of wholeness. Twelve hours later (and $300+ in long distance phone charges) my fever broke, and for the first time in two and a half weeks, I had hope.

It was a miracle. The doctors could not explain the hows and the whys, but I knew. I knew it was the support and prayers of my friends and my family, but most importantly, that voice within, Archangel Raphael. For when I asked, invoked, and allowed the healing energy of Raphael, healing took place. I was open and receptive, and that is what saved my life. That evening I had made a deal with the Universe. I promised to be open and willing if I could just see a sign that I would be ok, that I would really make it through it all. It was that next morning that my fever broke. That was the only sign I needed. Against doctors’ orders – on the day after Mother’s Day – I checked myself out of the hospital. I had found another way to heal, and I began trusting in the healing powers of Archangel Raphael. I was a medical miracle and I continued to work with Archangel Raphael’s energy from that day forward. It took me several months to regain my strength and complete health and wholeness. Each day, I visualized an emerald green energy around me and within me. I continued to ask Archangel Raphael for healing on an emotional and physical level. I asked for healing around the core issue of this illness. Archangel Raphael helped me to see that I manifested this illness because I was in judgment of myself. I felt unworthy of the unconditional love and acceptance that I needed to feel from within. The only one who can love me as Spirit loves me, is me. And with that knowledge I began to heal from the inside out. I continued to listen to that whisper and to this day, I am amazed at what messages lie within.

This experience taught me how incredibly powerful Archangel Raphael’s healing energy is. Since that time, Raphael has been by my side and continues to support my students and me. Together we are teaching those who are open how to find the healing power within and how to work with the powerful energy of Archangel Raphael.

Value of the experience:  When you invoke Archangel Raphael’s healing energy and ask for healing with an open heart and mind, you’ll receive it. When you allow the healing by opening your heart … you are healed!

Excerpt from Invoking the Archangels – a Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul by Sunny Dawn Johnston

Are you ready to experience true healing and wellness in your life? Introducing The Miracle of Spiritual Healing: Journal with Archangel Raphael the guided journal designed to help you develop a direct and consistent connection with the powerful Archangel of Healing. This journal is not just a book, but a transformative tool to help you create a committed relationship with Archangel Raphael and experience profound healing in your mind, body, and soul.


6 thoughts on “Archangel Raphael”

  1. I look forward to knowing Archangel Raphael is here for my healing. It is not easy to live with medical issues (and physical pain sometimes),
    to know this Angel is going to stay with me from now on. Thank you so much.

  2. The answer is simple – on the surface you suffered like hell but on the inside you were an angel so you had no alternative but to bounce back Norm

  3. Wow Sunny, you are a definite MIRACLE! I do invoke Archangel Raphael, but you have explained it si well. Have had alot of trauma since childhood and was a caregiver 3 times. The last being my husband. I do believe Spirit lives on and he is never far away. Was a 2 year journey that wasn’t so good. Took it’s toll on me. I have a connection with cardinals and see one everyday. Still feel stuck as I have no family here for support. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this. Much Love and Light. Susan B.🙏💕

  4. Thank you for sharing your amazing story of healing and your connection to Archangel Raphael. I’m definitely going to follow your suggestion and open my heart and mind to receive Archangel Raphael’s healing energy.

  5. WoW!! Powerful story! Interesting, but So sad to know anyone has to endure such physical & mental pain. Where was ‘the father’ when Sunny was bed ridden & her thoughts & emotions were making her sicker & sicker? Raphael rocks!! Thank God, Sunny Really listened & responded & miracle after miracle happened & here she is today! It gave me Energy to read this story. I can see Raphael in my future…..

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