Archangel Chamuel

If you are just beginning to learn about the Archangels, Chamuel is likely one that you haven’t heard much about. The great thing about Chamuel’s energy is how loving and unconditional it is. When you invite Archangel Chamuel into your space, you are quite literally bathed with unconditional love. As you read the blog below, you will see how working with Chamuel changed my life and healed my self-worth and self-esteem.

Pronounced SHAM-you-el, it means “He who sees or seeks God.” Chamuel is the Archangel of unconditional love and adoration.

Helps with:  Career, life purpose, finding lost items, building and strengthening relationships, world peace, and seeking soul mates.

Color Vibration: Pink
Gemstone:   Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Pink Rhodonite
Invocation: I invoke the unconditional love and light of Archangel Chamuel. Please heal any and all emotional wounds or pain that holds me back from truly loving myself as the divine Spirit that I am. Archangel Chamuel, please help me to open my heart to the beauty within me as well as around me. Allow me to see myself through your angelic vibration and feel love as I release any and all resentments, fears and pain.  I ask to experience forgiveness, self-acceptance, and unconditional self-love. Thank you for helping me attract positive, kind, gentle, and non-judgmental love into myself and my life … and so it is!

As I invoke Archangel Chamuel, I imagine a vibrant pink energy surrounding my entire physical being. As I breathe in, I see that pink energy moving into my heart and filling me with unconditional love and the gentle energy of Archangel Chamuel.

Personal Experience: I was first introduced to the energy of Chamuel through a rose quartz stone. I was raised in a metaphysical household in Salt Lake City, Utah where at the time the population was 85% Mormon. (It is now 66%) Many of my day in and day out struggles centered around being raised in a religiously dominated society that I was not a part of. I found it challenging to grow up in a religious environment that felt so judgmental of other’s beliefs and ways of living. Throughout my younger years, I was taught to trust my intuition and let it be my guide, so religion, from very early on, was not for me.  I also lacked any kind of challenge in school because I was always more aware of what I was being taught than the teachers. I also struggled with friends, making them and keeping them … therefore I did not feel like I fit into any part of society. I felt like an outsider and although I had a few friends, I never felt normal. So, my protective walls went up and I used food as a form of protection and comfort.

My mother, an intuitive herself, could see my day-to-day struggles. She felt my pain and sensed that I needed some help, so she consulted with her metaphysical friends. They had taught my Mom about crystals and how different ones can be used for healing. They specifically introduced her to rose quartz and suggested that she buy some for me to carry. Rose quartz is a heart-healing gemstone and is used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. So, my Mom asked me to carry this crystal in my pocket at all times. At the time, I didn’t understand how a gemstone was going to make me feel better, but I so desperately wanted to feel better, that I did it. I always had one with me and sometimes carried an extra one in my bra. After a while, I began to notice that if I would hold the crystal in my hand or rub it between my fingers, I felt better. I wanted to share it with my friends, but I knew they would think my entire family and I were weird. But it did bring me peace, and for that I was grateful. As the years progressed and I began to live life, I forgot about some of the tools that had helped me. It was only when self-love and worthiness issues surfaced that I would remember about the rose quartz gemstone. At 30 years old, while enrolled in a program to become a Certified Spiritual Counselor and obtain a Master of Religious Science degree, I experienced an event that changed my awareness of self-love forever.

During one of the classes, I was introduced to a set of tools to create, develop, and maintain my relationship with the Angels. I was excited about this, because even though the energy of the angelic realm was familiar to me, working with them was not a part of my daily practice. Throughout my life and especially in times of trouble, I called upon them but never in a consistent way. So, I looked forward to deepening and strengthening my relationship with them.

Over the next several months, my relationship with my Angels evolved and grew. One day in class, I was asked to do an exercise similar to the one I shared with you in the beginning of this book (Developing Your Personal Relationship with the Archangels in Section 1). Just as I suggested earlier that it is helpful to let your intuition guide you in choosing the colors of the week, I let my intuition guide me in choosing an Archangel to work with for a two-week time frame. I was guided to Archangel Chamuel, the angel of unconditional love and adoration. This was perfect timing to work with his energy since we were heading into the Christmas holiday season. I was excited!

Our specific assignment was to invoke one archangel and work with their energy. The teacher encouraged us to use a wide variety of techniques such as: carrying the specific stone that is associated with each vibration, wearing the color that the particular archangel vibrates to, visualizing their energy surrounding us, praying for them to show us a sign, etc. At the end of each day, we were to journal about our experience. This was a wonderful way to create a personal relationship with each Archangel, as it was based on individual experience rather than another’s perception.

I began by asking for guidance and support from Archangel Chamuel. I asked to connect with Chamuel’s energy and to learn and feel what unconditional love felt like for myself and then to be able to share that feeling with others. I asked to be an instrument of LOVE, to see love, feel love, hear love, and know love in each and every moment. In my meditation, I visualized the color pink flowing through my entire body extending out to the neighborhood, city, county, state, country, world and finally the Universe. I visualized this flow every day and wore pink colors and carried a rose quartz stone to intensify Chamuel’s energy.  I also began affirming that I loved myself even in moments of doubt. I completely immersed myself in this exercise and I opened myself up to receive and experience the unconditional love that I longed for most of my life. I had no idea what any of this would look like or how it would manifest, but I wanted to experience “it” fully.

Within the first few hours of connecting with Archangel Chamuel, I was inspired to be a “Secret Santa” or what I referred to as a “Pixie.” A Pixie or Secret Santa is someone that chooses to give a person support anonymously, through gift giving, money, energy, etc. Once I felt guided to be a Pixie, I asked spirit who I was to ‘pixie,’ and I very clearly heard the name Kelly, another student in my class … and so began the 12 days of Christmas, Sunny/Pixie style.

Each morning, I woke up and asked Archangel Chamuel to guide me to the perfect gift that would show Kelly love, adoration and or joy. I patiently waited for the guidance as I did not know Kelly very well. I trusted the angels would not let me down. Each day became a fun, heart opening opportunity for not only me, but my entire family as well.

The notes I left on her door each day read:  Dearest Kelly! With loving-kindness, From Your PIXIE!

  • On the 1st day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Candles to light my way!
  • On the 2nd day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, A Cozy Warm Robe, Slippers and a Cup of Coffee!
  • On the 3rd day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, A Bountiful Basket of Bath Goods!
  • On the 4th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Something soft, snuggly & cozy and something shiny!
  • On the 5th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Five GOLDEN Books!
  • On the 6th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, A Basket full of LOVE and GOODIES!
  • On the 7th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, A Box of Bedtime Glee!!
  • On the 8th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Beautiful Roses and a Friendship Ficus Tree!
  • On the 9th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Fountains and Fairies for the Gallery!
  • On the 10th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Towels, Kerchiefs & Hankies!
  • On the 11th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Nutritional Staples O’ Plenty!
  • On the 12th day of Christmas my Pixie gave to me, Christmas Decorations & Trees Overflowing!

I spent a lot of time and energy in the vibration of love. There were days that after I dropped off the gift, I felt inspired to go back and leave a little note of encouragement at her doorstep. I was really allowing myself to experience love and be guided by my intuition and the messages from Chamuel. One morning I woke up and got the hit that Kelly needed a robe and a pair of slippers. So, I purchased a pink robe and slippers and left them at the doorstep for her. I wrote a poem about staying warm and cozy and reminded her to love herself unconditionally. A couple days later I felt guided to purchase a Ficus tree, and two dozen pink roses. I left these at my favorite spot by the door and wrote another poem about true love and how important it is to have someone in your life that loves you unconditionally.

Each day I looked forward to showing and expressing unconditional love for someone I didn’t know very well. I reached out and included others in the fun. A couple of my closest classmates got involved, my husband and kids, and even a yard maintenance man who was working outside of Kelly’s house pitched in. It became a game for me. I would drop the various gifts off at random times throughout the day and night and then run and hide so Kelly would not see who her Pixie was.

It was Friday evening when I decided to leave a giant life size teddy bear for Kelly. A classmate of mine purchased the teddy bear and she agreed to help deliver the bear that night. The bear was four feet tall, and we felt guided to hang a necklace around the neck. Before the bear was delivered, we both felt guided to leave some money as well, which we did. In addition to the bear, I had wanted to bring a stocking full of dog treats and toys because I knew Kelly had a dog that she loved dearly. Kelly’s dog was like her own child, and I did not want to leave something that important to Kelly out of this experience of unconditional love. However, as we were preparing to deliver her gifts, I got a very strong sense that this was not the right time to leave the dog treats. At first, I thought this feeling was odd because I felt so strongly to give the treats, but I listened to the guidance I was receiving in that moment and did not leave them. I was being given an opportunity to practice listening to my intuitive guidance moment-by-moment even though I did not understand why I was feeling that way now.

My home, my heart and my Spirit were filled to the brim with joy as I listened to the guidance of Chamuel. I would ask, and then almost immediately, I would receive an answer. Throughout the two weeks, I made it clear to everyone, including my Angels that I did not want Kelly to know who her “Pixie” was. I wanted to be anonymous. I also wanted to experience what it felt like to be a physical vessel of unconditional love and to trust the guidance I was receiving from my Angels.

The twelfth day came, and it was Christmas Eve. Our assignment was quickly coming to an end, and I was sad. I wasn’t ready for this experience to be done. I enjoyed it so much. I was guided to give Kelly one more gift, a Christmas day gift which made it lucky number 13. Around midnight, on Christmas Eve, my husband and I drove to Kelly’s house and left a porcelain doll on her doorstep. (The doll wore a patchwork-type dress, which was torn and tattered, but the message that came with it was special to me. The message conveyed that it didn’t matter what the outside looked like because some of the most precious gifts are found on the inside, hidden behind tears and tatters.) The message and patched dress reminded me of a song “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton. If you are not familiar with this song, the lyrics speak about love in the heart and remind us that even though you may not have all the money in the world, you can always have love. So that song ran through my head as I left the doll on the front doorstep. I felt like Santa, my heart full of joy, as I imagined Kelly opening up this last gift on Christmas morning.

As we drove home, it suddenly hit me. The two-week exercise with Archangel Chamuel was over and I now knew what the energy of absolute unconditional love felt like in my heart, body, mind, and Spirit. I was amazed, blessed and a little sad for it to be over. It was time to get back to “regular” life so to speak … but I promised myself that I was going to find a way to bring this feeling of love into my regular life!

A few days after Christmas, I received a call from one of my classmates. She was a friend of Kelly’s and was aware of what was going on in Kelly’s life. She shared with me that on the Friday night that we left the bear, Kelly had tripped and fallen on her dog. The dog was so severely injured that he had to be put down by the vet that evening. Kelly was heartbroken and full of guilt as she left the vet’s office. As Kelly returned home, the first thing she saw was the teddy bear on the front doorstep. That night she cried herself to sleep holding the teddy bear. It helped her feel safe and eased the pain of the loss of her dog, her best friend. The money that we left was exactly the right amount she needed to pay for the cost of putting the dog down. But what I didn’t know that my classmate shared with me is that when Kelly was driving home from the vet, she felt so much guilt and despair that the only way she knew how to feel better, was to take her own life. She had planned to kill herself when she got home. BUT, when she came home and saw the bear and the envelope, she was reminded that someone, somewhere in this world LOVED her. She didn’t know who or why she was receiving these gifts, all she knew was that someone loved her enough to show up every single day and bring her gifts. Kelly said that it was this LOVE that encouraged her to live through the pain and guilt of the loss of her dog. If there was someone out there that loved her this much, there must be something there worth loving and maybe, just maybe, she could love herself enough to get through the next horrific days.

There is a quote by Pierre Pradervand that says:  “To bless all without distinction is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives.”

My interpretation of this is that oftentimes, we do not realize what our blessings can do for someone else. I felt this in my experience with Archangel Chamuel. I was in LOVE with life and the energy I was feeling through the blessings I was giving out to Kelly. I had NO idea how this experience affected Kelly’s life.

I share this story with you because I want you to remember that Archangel Chamuel is the angel of unconditional love and that often, we don’t know the power of what we do, the words we speak, or the acts we impart on others.

This experience was one of the most joyous times of my life and I never knew the impact that it was having on Kelly’s life. It was fun and loving for me … but it was lifesaving LOVE for her. So, if you would like to learn to love yourself and others unconditionally, I encourage you to create a connection with Archangel Chamuel.

Value of the experience:  When you ask the Archangels to allow you to be an instrument of LOVE, the LOVE is felt, within you, as well as all around you. Oftentimes, that LOVE will manifest in ways that you may never, ever see or know!

Excerpt from Invoking the Archangels – a Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul  by Sunny Dawn Johnston


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