27 Tips from 27 Years of Marriage with Sunny & Brett

This past week I celebrated my 27th Wedding Anniversary with my husband Brett! We took a short little trip in the RV to get out in nature. We were married outdoors in Sedona … and this weekend was a perfect way to reflect on your 27 years while hiking the trails near Gold Canyon together.

Along the way we got to reminiscing about the keys to a successful marriage… and I even got Brett to join me on my special edition Off the Cuff podcast to share what we came up with together!

So in case you missed it live, here is our collection: 27 Tips from 27 Years of Marriage

27 Tips from 27 years of Marriage

By Sunny Dawn Johnston and Husband Brett Johnston on their 27th anniversary 11/27/2020

  1. Appreciation needs to be spoken. If you feel it, share it. People want and need to feel appreciated.
  2. People have different ideas about life and how to live it and that’s ok. No one way is better than another.
  3. Two people moving in the same direction is better than two people moving in opposite directions … have common goals.
  4. Let go of control and you will have more joy.
  5. You can never unsay something.
  6. Communication is critical. This is one of the most important aspects of a relationship.
  7. Most arguments aren’t worth having.
  8. Listen!!! We can learn a lot by listening to our partners and their wants, needs, complaints and ideas.
  9. Be honest! It’s better to hurt someone with the truth than comfort them with a lie.
  10. Sometimes a hug can go a long way.
  11. Value yourself. If you don’t feel good about who you are, then you project your insecurities onto your partner.
  12. Know your love language and your partner’s love language … and express your love in the way they need it, not the way you want it.
  13. Don’t weaponize anything: Kids. Money. Sex. Workload. Insecurities. Fears. Body. Beliefs. You’re not at war. You’re on the same team.
  14. Celebrate the little things. There’s a lot to celebrate.
  15. Be aware of the physical needs of you and your partner. Sex is generally 10% of a relationship when things are going well; It’s 90% when things are not.
  16. Be responsible to your partner. Be aware of how your choices affect you and your partner and choose consciously and wisely.
  17. Know the difference between wants and needs.
  18. Try new things. Life has a lot to offer. Do things you’ve never done. Open your mind to keep your relationship fresh and fun.
  19. Be financially responsible and live within your means.
  20. Let your adult kids live their lives. They come through you, but they are not yours to control or tell how to live.
  21. Plan for your future. How do you want to create your life in all areas?
  22. Life happens in the present moment. Stay in the present. Let go of the past … and if you can’t let go, then get some help.
  23. Pick a sane partner and question your own sanity.
  24. If something is heavy in your heart, share it. You both deserve the support from each other.
  25. If you see a problem, fix it. If something isn’t working, do something about it.
  26. Relationships take an investment in both partner’s time and energy … Even more so as you get more years under your belt. It doesn’t just get good on its own.
  27. Be unconditional in your love in order to receive unconditional love.

And… one to grow on –

Have fun! Create fun if you don’t have it. Find ways to enjoy yourselves and your life – Together!

Click here to download a copy of our 27 Tips for 27 Years of Marriage

I’d love to hear your tips and tidbits that you have picked up through the years, in whatever stage of relationship you  are in! Leave me a comment below!!


4 thoughts on “27 Tips from 27 Years of Marriage with Sunny & Brett”

  1. you and communicate all you want but if the other person doesn’t understand then it its like talking to a brick wall.

    1. Sunny Dawn Johnston

      Sometimes we communicate in different ways and it can be difficult to feel heard. Gaining clarity in your words, remembering how powerful they can be, and calling in Archangel Gabriel to help you find discern your message is a place to begin 🙂 <3 Thank you for sharing my friend!

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