Fit Over 50: Redefine Aging through Holistic Living

Embrace the power of fitness by approaching Health, Wellness, Hormones, Nutrition, and Strength from a Holistic LIFESTYLE perspective.

Initial Weekly Sessions

are held Thursday mornings from October 24 - January 9, 2025

Hey my friend,

I want to talk a little bit about aging.

How do you see aging?
What is the energy you experience when you hear the word or read something about it?
Is it a pit in the stomach, a resistance? 

Based on how we have been trained, I think most of us have looked at it as a negative, even though we “know” that it is a gift not everyone gets to experience. 

So, I want to change that belief.
I want us to be able to embrace aging and see aging as a natural part of life, not something to fear – but something to truly appreciate.

And I understand how challenging it can be to embrace, especially when we have been taught – and now often equate aging with loss—loss of youth, energy, sexiness, health, and sometimes even purpose.

I know because I’ve watched all the women around me.

I’ve listened to the conversations my clients have, I’ve paid attention to the messages my friends and family have shared, and I, too, have been there. 

Over the past couple of years, I’ve experienced firsthand just how real the changes in our bodies can be as we age. 

I navigated through perimenopause, which manifested into a frozen shoulder (a real diagnosis that is triggered by hormones), I watched my energy levels fluctuate and faced hormone imbalances that affected my body and even my sleep. 

I also discovered that my body was malnutrition, very low in necessary vitamins and nutrients, and that my muscle mass was getting less and less. It was a sobering awareness.

But I also learned something invaluable:

Aging doesn’t have to mean decline. 

In fact, I chose to make it an incredible opportunity to redefine what vitality, health, and wellness look like for me and my body. 

These “aging” years can be some of the most rewarding, vibrant years of our lives, and we have the power to make that happen.

 I have, and I know you can, but I couldn’t do it by myself. 

I needed experts to help me.

I hired a personal trainer, a naturopath, a bodyworker, and a nutritional coach to help me understand what my body needed and how I could get healthier, stronger, and feel better. 

It hasn’t been easy, and it has taken a lot of time, energy, and money – and it wasn’t easy feeling weak, not being able to move my upper body, and having chronic migraines 25 out of 30 days, either. I decided to choose my hard.

I started sharing what I was learning in my ELEV8 community

Having gone through all of this over the past several years, I started sharing what I was learning in my ELEV8 community this year, and the response has been huge.

Women are hungry for more information on how they can feel better, release weight, get stronger, and age lovingly and gracefully

So, that’s why I created “Fit Over 50: Redefine Aging through Holistic Living“- to help women like me and you embrace this stage of life with strength, energy, and confidence. 

This program isn’t about resisting aging; it’s about enhancing your well-being, nurturing your body, and feeling more vibrant than ever. 

I’ve learned firsthand how critical nutrition, strength training, muscle maintenance, hormones, bodywork and a positive mindset are to aging well -and I want to share those lessons, and some of the experts I have been working with – with you.

Why “Fit Over 50” Matters to Me

If you’re anything like me, you’ve felt the changes that come with aging.

Hormones are shifting, metabolism is slowing down, and energy levels aren’t what they used to be.

I faced those challenges head-on, from hormonal imbalances that led to chronic migraines and frozen shoulder to lack of energy and weakness to changes in my skin, hair, and nails.

There came a point where I realized I couldn’t just “get by” anymore – I had to take control of my health and make real, lasting changes.

Have you been there too? Are you there now?

The challenge was there was so much info. I tried so many things. I started self-prescribing supplements and just trying things out.

I wanted to learn it all but found myself reading one thing and then the next thing I would read would contradict it.

It was nuts. 

I didn’t know what supplements to take, which exercises to do, what carbs would help energy, and which wouldn’t… it was just too much noise all around.

That’s when I dove deep into understanding how my body worked,

what it needed, and how to support it through this transition by getting some help. 

First, I hired a naturopath, then a personal trainer, a health coach, a pain psychologist, a bodyworker, and a few more experts in their field. 

I invested hundreds and hundreds of hours of time, lots of my energy, and money to get to a place where I would feel good and not just good but f*&^in great. 

I learned that nutrition, strength training, and mental well-being are the foundation of not just aging well, but thriving. 

Today, at 53, I’m in the best shape of my life – seriously – and still improving every day.

This isn’t about looking a certain way – it’s so much more than that. 

This is about feeling strong in my body, connected in my spirit, clear in my mind, harmonious in my emotions, and healthy in my energy field.

I want you to experience that same knowledge and transformation

That’s why I created this program for women going through some of the same challenges I did, or maybe yours are different, but you are struggling with different aspects of again – I know what it feels like to struggle, but I also know what’s possible when you commit to making changes. 

“Fit Over 50” is built on the belief that aging is not a barrier to living your best life. Instead, it’s an opportunity to focus on what truly matters – your health, your strength, and your overall wellness – mind, body, spirit and emotions.

My Journey: Why You Can Relate

When I started talking openly about the health challenges I was facing, I realized I wasn’t alone

Women in my community were going through the same struggles. 

We all wanted the same thing: to feel vibrant, strong, and alive, no matter our age. 

And it wasn’t just about physical health – it was about finding purpose, confidence, and joy in this next chapter of life. 

So here’s what I did. 

I created a program that brings in some of the experts that I worked with to help you feel FANTASTIC and embrace aging as well. It is based on these five pillars.

The Five Pillars of Fit Over 50

This program is structured around five core pillars that work together to support a holistic approach to aging and wellness:

1. Strength and Fitness

Building and maintaining strength is crucial as you age.

Hormonal changes can lead to muscle loss, which is a common issue that can decrease mobility, balance, and a higher risk of falls. 

The “Fit Over 50” program includes strength training routines designed specifically to combat these changes. 

These routines focus on functional movements that improve your daily life, helping you stay active and independent while gaining strength. 

An added bonus is the changes your body makes outwardly as you commit to this process, such as improved muscle tone, better posture, and a release of weight and inflammation.

Whether you’re new to fitness or have been active for years, our program offers scalable exercises that meet you where you are. 

I have brought in my trainers and we will emphasize:

Resistance Training

To build and preserve muscle mass, which supports overall strength, metabolic health, and hormone balance.

Cardiovascular Exercise

To enhance heart health, stamina, and energy levels, ensuring you can keep up with life’s demands despite any metabolic slowdowns.

Flexibility and Balance Training

To improve mobility, prevent injuries, and combat the effects of aging on the fascia, which can contribute to skin elasticity and overall physical agility.

This approach ensures that fitness becomes a sustainable, enjoyable part of your routine, helping you stay strong, agile, resilient, and of course, feeling and looking good too.

2. Holistic Nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in how we age. 

The right foods can fuel your body, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, support hormonal balance, and keep your mind sharp. 

The “Fit Over 50” program provides you with nutrition information tailored to meet you where you are.

Key aspects of nutrition will focus on:

Balanced Diet

Emphasizing whole foods rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

These nutrients help combat inflammation, support immune function, and promote overall well-being.

Protein Intake

Ensuring adequate protein to support muscle maintenance and repair, which is especially important as you age.

Protein is also key in managing skin elasticity and supporting metabolic functions.

As you may or may not know, I was a vegetarian for 23 years, and this year, I started eating meat due to my body's malnourished state.

Healthy Fats

Including sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart and brain health, and aid in managing hormone levels.


Focusing on the importance of staying hydrated, as dehydration can lead to fatigue, cognitive decline, and digestive issues, all of which are common challenges as we age.

Our program also addresses common nutritional challenges faced by those over 50, such as digestive changes and the need for specific vitamins and minerals to support overall metabolic health and energy levels. We will provide practical tips for meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking, ensuring that you can easily incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle.

3. Fascia Health and Flexibility

Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs, plays a vital role in movement and overall health. 

As we age, fascia can become stiff and less pliable, leading to pain, restricted movement, and a higher risk of injury. 

The appearance of loose skin, muscle loss and overall flexibility is also closely linked to fascia health as well as trauma held in the body.

The “Fit Over 50” program includes fascia-focused practices designed to keep this critical tissue healthy and flexible. We will incorporate:

Myofascial Release Techniques

Using tools like foam rollers and massage balls to release tension, improve tissue health, and enhance the elasticity of both fascia and skin.

Stretching Routines

To enhance flexibility, reduce stiffness, and improve range of motion, which also contributes to a more youthful appearance.

Body Alignment Exercises

To ensure that your body moves correctly, preventing strain and injury, while also helping with balance and coordination.

Yoga Flows

To help support your flexibility and your mind, body, and spirit connection, promoting a holistic approach to aging gracefully.

By maintaining fascia health, you’ll experience better mobility, reduced pain, and an overall sense of physical well-being, which includes smoother skin.

4. Mindset and Mental Wellness

A positive, resilient mindset is essential for aging well. The “Fit Over 50” program strongly emphasizes mental wellness, recognizing that how you think and feel about yourself and your body can significantly impact your physical health.

Our program includes:

Mindfulness Practices

These include meditation and relaxation techniques to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional balance.


A powerful tool for managing stress, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting relaxation. Breathwork also supports improved oxygen flow throughout the body, boosting energy levels and aiding in hormone regulation.

Cognitive Health Strategies

Activities that challenge your brain, keeping it sharp and engaged as you age.

Aging Mindset

Shifting your mindset around aging is essential for creating new beliefs that go beyond the limitations of what you may have seen or experienced in the past. By embracing a positive outlook on aging, you can redefine what’s possible, opening the door to new opportunities for growth, vitality, and joy at any stage of life.

We believe that mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health. By fostering a positive mindset, you’ll feel better and be better equipped to tackle the challenges of aging, including those related to hormone fluctuations, energy levels, and skin appearance.

5. Healthy Hormones and Energy

Hormonal balance is one of the most critical components of feeling good as we age. 

As we get older, hormone levels naturally change, impacting everything from metabolism and muscle retention to energy levels and mood. 

The “Fit Over 50” program places a strong emphasis on supporting healthy hormone function to ensure you feel energized, strong, and balanced as you age.

Key aspects of supporting hormonal health include:

Nutrition for Hormonal Balance

We focus on foods that support your body’s natural hormone regulation, helping to manage shifts in estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and insulin levels.

Exercise and Hormones

Targeted strength training and cardiovascular exercises boost metabolism and support the production of hormones that are essential for maintaining muscle mass, energy, and overall vitality.

Managing Stress for Hormonal Health

Chronic stress can negatively impact hormone balance, leading to fatigue and weight gain. Through mindfulness practices, breathwork, and relaxation techniques, the program helps you manage stress to keep your hormones in balance.

Energy-Boosting Strategies

We incorporate specific strategies to help you increase energy naturally, through a combination of nutrition, exercise, hydration, and lifestyle adjustments.

By addressing hormonal health and energy in a holistic way, you’ll be better equipped to manage the changes that come with aging while maintaining your vitality and well-being.

What to Expect from Fit Over 50

When you join the “Fit Over 50” program, you’re not just signing up for a fitness regimen -you’re embarking on a comprehensive journey that addresses every aspect of your health. 

Here’s what you can expect:

Movement Classes & Videos

Tailored exercise, nutrition, and wellness strategies that fit a 50+ woman's unique needs and goals.

Expert Guidance

Access to experienced trainers, nutritionists, and wellness coaches who specialize in helping individuals gain greater health and wellness.

Community Support

Join a like-minded community of women who are also committed to aging well, providing mutual support and motivation.

Ongoing Resources

Continued access to educational materials, workout videos, and nutritional advice to keep you on track.

Redefine Aging with Fit Over 50

Aging is a natural part of life, but how you age is up to you. 

With “Fit Over 50: Redefine Aging with a Holistic Approach to Strength, Health, and Wellness,” you have the tools, knowledge, and support to live your best life, no matter your age. 

Embrace the power of fitness, nourish your body with balanced nutrition, care for your fascia, cultivate a positive loving mindset and heal your hormones – all to keep your body strong and your spirit vibrant.

It’s time to redefine what aging means to you. 

Join us on this journey to health, strength, and wellness – because you deserve to thrive, now and in the years to come.

What You Get When You Sign Up for "Fit Over 50"

When you join the Fit Over 50 program, you’re not just signing up for a one-time session or a single resource. 

You’re getting access to a comprehensive, all-in-one support system designed to help you transform your health, strength, and mindset – all at a fraction of the cost of hiring individual experts. 

Here’s a look at the incredible value you’re receiving:

1. Weekly Live Classes with SDJ and Guest Experts

Interactive Sessions (Value: $300 per session):

Engage in weekly live classes with SDJ (Sunny Dawn Johnston), where you’ll dive deep into the core elements of fitness, nutrition, fascia health, spiritual and emotional development, and mindset

These sessions are designed to be interactive, providing you with the knowledge and motivation to make lasting changes.

Group Support: Each class will offer advice and strategies to support the group goals and offer Q&A sessions to help you align with your goals, ensuring that you receive the support you need to feel good.

2. Monthly Expert-Led Workshops

Specialized Training (Value: $350 per workshop):

Once a month, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in live workshops led by experts in various fields, including fitness, nutrition, supplements and hormone health. 

These sessions are designed to provide you with specialized knowledge and techniques to enhance your overall health.

In-Depth Learning: Gain access to expert advice on topics such as hormone health, advanced resistance training, fascia release techniques, and more. 

These workshops will deepen your understanding and provide actionable steps you can implement immediately.

3. Access to recorded "Spot Exercises" for Strength and Health

Targeted Workouts (Value: $500):

Receive access to a library of specially designed “spot exercises” that focus on key areas of your body. 

These exercises are aimed at improving strength, mobility, and overall health.

Video Tutorials: Each exercise comes with a detailed video tutorial, demonstrating proper form and technique to ensure you get the most out of your workouts. 

Customizable Routines: Use these spot exercises to create personalized workout routines that fit your specific needs and goals.

4. Comprehensive Holistic Nutrition Plan

Personalized Nutrition Guidance (Value: $400):

Access nutrition plans tailored to the needs of individuals over 50. This plan includes balanced meal ideas, tips for managing hormones, boosting energy, and supporting metabolic health.

Meal Planning Tools: Get practical tools for meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking, making it easy to incorporate healthy eating into your daily life.

5. Fascia Health & Flexibility Program

Fascia Release Techniques (Value: $300–$500):

Learn and practice myofascial release techniques using tools like foam rollers and massage balls to improve tissue health, reduce stiffness, and enhance mobility.

Stretching and Yoga Flows: Access guided routines that focus on flexibility and fascia health, helping you maintain mobility and prevent injuries.

Body Alignment Exercises: Improve your posture and overall movement with exercises designed to align your body and support long-term physical well-being.

6. Mindset & Mental Wellness Toolkit

Mindfulness Practices (Value: $400):

Participate in guided mindfulness exercises, including meditation and breathwork, to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and support emotional balance.

Positive Affirmations and Goal Setting: Use positive affirmations and goal-setting strategies to stay motivated and focused throughout your health journey.

7. Community Support and Accountability

Private Online Community (Value: Priceless):

Join a like-minded group of women committed to aging well, where you can share experiences, ask questions, and offer support to one another.

Ongoing Motivation: Benefit from the encouragement and accountability provided by the community, helping you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Access to SDJ and Experts: Stay connected with SDJ and other experts through the community platform, where you can ask questions and receive guidance.

8. Ongoing Access to Program Materials

Yearlong Access (Value: Priceless):

Continue to access all the program materials, including video tutorials, workout plans, nutrition guides, and mindfulness practices, long after the program ends.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated with any new content added to the program, ensuring that you can keep growing and evolving in your health journey.

Total Value for the 12-Week Program: $9500+

When you consider all the features of the program – including

weekly live classes,
monthly expert workshops,
personalized exercises,
nutrition support,
fascia health routines,
mindset coaching,
and a supportive community

the total value adds up to $9500+ for the full 12 weeks.

Join Fit Over 50 Today

By signing up for “Fit Over 50,” you’re investing in a program that offers comprehensive support and resources to help you redefine aging. 

With weekly classes, expert guidance, targeted exercises, and a holistic approach to health, you’ll have everything you need to thrive in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond. 

If you’re ready to invest in yourself but feeling hesitant about the cost, consider this: 

Just these five essential areas of support for one hour each – personal training, naturopathic doctor, bodywork, nutrition, and mindset coaching – would cost you anywhere from $700 to $1,575.

Now imagine having access to all these experts under one roof ...

in a comprehensive program designed to support your health and well-being at a fraction of that cost. 

You’re not just investing in a single hour; you’re investing in a complete 12 week lifestyle transformation. 

This is your opportunity to make yourself a priority and create lasting, meaningful changes in your life.


Silver Basic Package

Pay in Full and save $50
$ 497 Early Bird good through 10/15 
  • Access to all program materials
  • Weekly sessions via Zoom
  • Monthly Expert-led workshop
  • Access to a private online community for support and accountability.
  • Downloadable resources, including meal plans, workout videos, and wellness checklists.
  • Bonus Pop-Ins with Experts

Gold Premium Mentoring Package

Pay in Full and save $50
$ 997 Early Bird good through 10/15 
  • Everything in the Silver Basic Package.
  • Bi-weekly group mentoring calls (45 minutes) with SDJ or fitness/nutrition expert.
  • Bonus Monthly Breathwork session
  • Access to Sunny’s ELEV8 Your Life Community throughout the 12 weeks
  • Priority email support for quick answers to any questions.
  • 2-hour zoom workshop after our 12-week program to access where you are and help support you with the next steps
  • Ideal For: Individuals who want more personalized guidance and support
Best Value

Payment Plans Are Available

Silver Basic Package: $197 Deposit and 2 payments of $177

Gold Premium Mentoring Package: $397 Deposit and 2 payments of $327

Meet Your Experts

I see Dr Fernandez and have been for about 3 years. Like everything else it is a work in progress and constantly changing but I have released 30 pounds and counting. It is all lot of commitment and investment but I do what I can when I can and it for sure is life changing. Dr Fernandez is so amazing and caring and non-judgmental. ~Michelle

Dr. Lena Fernandez

Dr. Lena Fernandez, a highly respected Licensed Naturopathic Physician in the state of Arizona, is the founder and owner of the renowned Moringa Natural Health Center in Sun City, Arizona, a thriving clinic dedicated to integrative and holistic health. With an impressive background in both clinical practice and research, Dr. Fernandez has established herself as a leader in the field of naturopathic medicine.

Her advanced training spans hormone replacement therapy, personalized nutrition, peptide therapy, and biological medicine, allowing her to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered care that addresses the root causes of health concerns. Dr. Fernandez is deeply committed to staying at the forefront of medical advancements, utilizing cutting-edge therapies to support her patients’ well-being.

In addition to her clinical expertise, Dr. Fernandez spent several years in medical research, where she specialized in the study of pharmaceutical drugs and environmental toxins’ impacts on the human body. This experience has equipped her with a unique understanding of how modern environmental and pharmaceutical factors influence health, enabling her to guide patients in detoxification and holistic healing.

Her deep knowledge, combined with her dedication to educating and empowering her patients, has made Dr. Fernandez a sought-after expert in integrative health. Her practice emphasizes sustainable wellness through natural therapies, making her a trusted figure in the world of naturopathic medicine.


Before working with Aaron, I was unable to sit on the floor with legs crossed. It’s amazing what a few months of fascia work can achieve.~Brandi

Aaron Eliserio: Expert in Fitness, Bodywork, and Holistic Wellness

Aaron Eliserio is a seasoned fitness and bodywork expert, dedicated to helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals through a comprehensive and holistic approach. With nearly two decades of experience in the fitness industry and a deep commitment to bodywork, Aaron brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his clients, making him a trusted authority in his field. Awarded the 2019 Phoenix Best Trainer, he has helped athletes become the best in their sport and has helped the everyday typical person heal through exciting transformations.

Arizona Native and Fitness Enthusiast

Born and raised in Arizona, Aaron Eliserio has always been passionate about health, fitness, and the pursuit of physical excellence. His journey in the fitness world began over 18 years ago, driven by a desire to help others transform their lives through strength, resilience, and holistic well-being.

Certified Personal Trainer: 18 Years of Experience

Aaron has spent 18 years honing his skills as a personal trainer, earning certifications from both the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). These prestigious certifications reflect his dedication to maintaining the highest standards of fitness training and his commitment to staying at the forefront of the latest industry practices.

Throughout his career, Aaron has worked with a diverse range of clients, from beginners looking to embark on their fitness journey to seasoned athletes aiming to reach new heights. His training philosophy is rooted in the belief that every individual has the potential to achieve their best self, and he tailors his approach to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. Aaron’s expertise extends across various fitness disciplines, including strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, and functional movement. His clients consistently praise him for his ability to motivate, educate, and inspire them to achieve their fitness goals.

Bodywork Specialist: Certified in Advanced Techniques

In addition to his extensive experience in personal training, Aaron has spent the past six years deepening his knowledge and expertise in bodywork. Recognizing the critical role that body alignment, flexibility, and tissue health play in overall wellness, Aaron pursued advanced certifications in several specialized bodywork techniques.

Elevated Table Thai: Aaron is certified in Elevated Table Thai, a unique and highly effective form of bodywork that combines deep stretching, acupressure, and rhythmic compression to improve flexibility, relieve tension, and promote overall relaxation. This technique is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to enhance their range of motion and reduce muscle stiffness.

Advanced Stretching: Understanding the importance of flexibility and mobility in maintaining a healthy, balanced body, Aaron has also become certified in advanced stretching techniques. His expertise in this area allows him to guide clients through personalized stretching routines that target specific muscle groups, helping to prevent injuries and improve overall performance.

Fascia Blasting, Gua Sha, and Cupping: Aaron is also highly skilled in fascia blasting, Gua Sha, and cupping—three powerful techniques used to release tension, improve circulation, and promote the health of the connective tissues. Fascia blasting involves using specialized tools to break up adhesions in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs. Gua Sha and cupping, both traditional healing methods, further enhance blood flow and reduce inflammation, contributing to pain relief and overall body rejuvenation.

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Aaron’s approach to fitness and bodywork is deeply holistic, recognizing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. He believes that true health and wellness extend beyond physical strength and flexibility—they also involve mental clarity, emotional balance, and a deep sense of well-being. His sessions are designed not only to strengthen the body but also to nurture the mind and spirit, helping his clients achieve a state of complete harmony.

A Passion for Education and Empowerment

Aaron is not only a practitioner but also an educator at heart. He is passionate about empowering his clients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their own health and wellness. Whether he is guiding a client through a challenging workout, teaching advanced stretching techniques, or demonstrating bodywork practices, Aaron’s goal is to educate and inspire.

Dedicated to Excellence and Client Success

Throughout his career, Aaron Eliserio has remained dedicated to excellence, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge and refine his techniques. His clients appreciate his unwavering commitment to their success and his ability to create personalized programs that deliver real, lasting results. With a reputation for professionalism, expertise, and a genuine care for his clients’ well-being, Aaron has established himself as a leading expert in the fields of fitness and bodywork.

Your Partner in Health and Wellness

Whether you are looking to improve your strength, enhance your flexibility, or rejuvenate your body through advanced bodywork techniques, Aaron Eliserio is your partner in health and wellness. With his extensive experience, advanced certifications, and holistic approach, Aaron is uniquely equipped to help you achieve your goals and lead a healthier, more vibrant life.

Brandi Strieter

Brandi Strieter, M.Ed., is a dedicated Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Guide, Reiki Master, and Breathwork Facilitator specializing in Energy Medicine. With a heart-centered approach, Brandi integrates holistic mind-body-spirit practices to help individuals awaken to their inner light, heal deeply, and achieve spiritual alignment. As a Community Ambassador for Sunny Dawn Johnston’s communities, she plays a pivotal role in guiding others on their spiritual and healing journeys, fostering authentic self-love and transformation.

Brandi’s journey of profound personal growth, including her triumph over a chronic Lyme disease diagnosis, has shaped her into a compassionate healer and mentor. She draws from her own experience of healing, surrender, and empowerment to inspire others to embrace their true selves. Through her mentorship with Sunny Dawn Johnston since 2016, Brandi has further developed her ability to guide individuals toward deeper spiritual truths, self-awareness, and liberation.

Whether leading group healing sessions, teaching energy medicine techniques, or offering individual guidance, Brandi creates transformative spaces for others to access their own healing potential and embody their authentic light. Her work reflects her unwavering dedication to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, making her a beacon of light and wisdom for those seeking to elevate their consciousness and live in alignment with their higher selves.

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